Category: Diving Costa del Sol

  • The Season in Spain for Diving with Dolphins

    The Season in Spain for Diving with Dolphins

    By Courtney Kaye, PADI Instructor,  Simply Diving Marbella There aren’t many things out there that we can genuinely say we never tire of experiencing. One of them has to be spying a sleek dorsal fin cutting through the water’s surface – no matter if it is your first, or five hundredth, encounter! There are many perks…

  • A Psychedelic Trip With The Smallest Of Friends

    A Psychedelic Trip With The Smallest Of Friends

    By Simon Bell, Simply Diving Dive Operations Manager They are among the world’s most vibrantly-coloured species of marine beings, are often no bigger than your thumbnail and have spawned a global obsession of cult proportions: Meet the humble sea slug…

  • A Giant Fish By Any Other Name

    A Giant Fish By Any Other Name

    By Simon Bell, Simply Diving Dive Operations Manager One of the most fascinating spectacles to greet scuba divers on the southern Spanish coast comes in the form of a marine species that – if it actually had a brain bigger than a peanut – would probably develop a serious case of identity crisis.

  • LOVE ON THE COSTA: The Strange and Wonderful World of Octopus Sex

    LOVE ON THE COSTA: The Strange and Wonderful World of Octopus Sex

    By Simon Bell, Simply Diving Dive Operations Manager Look at the following photo and it’ll be hard not to miss a huge, eight-legged cephalopod atop a rock. Look even closer and the more taxonomically-minded among you will see it’s the humble Octopus vulgaris, or common octopus to the non sea-dweller. But look even closer still…

  • Rolling In The Deep: The Time For Tec

    Rolling In The Deep: The Time For Tec

    By Simon Bell, Simply Diving Dive Operations Manager There was a time when a man first donned a rubber mask, looked beneath the waves and felt like a superhuman as he gazed at the alien world below. Soon came apparatus that allowed a different man to stay underwater for a length of time without having…

  • Simply the Best Experience Ever!

    By Simply Diving Divemaster Rhia Keene Hey Everyone. Wow, I can’t believe how quickly six months went, but sadly it’s the end of my Divemaster internship here at Simply Diving! First things first… I have to say what a great team I’ve been working with for the last half year, from all the Instructors, to…

  • A Weekend Of Getting Wrecked

    By Simply Diver Simply Diving’s latest Wreck Diver recruits declared their two days of training “a top weekend” – after beating nearly 1,000 entrants to win the Specialty course in an online competition.

  • A Degree of Hard Work at Uni of Diving

    By Simply Diving Divemaster Trainee Kat Thorpe Hi everyone! As it’s coming to the end of the busiest part of the summer season here at Simply Diving and on the Costa del Sol, it’s the perfect opportunity to share my summer experiences with you all…

  • Marine Life Rescued As Divers Come Up Clean

    By Simply Diving PADI Instructor Dan Nelmes HOW’S IT GOING DIVE FRIENDS..? April 24th was a particularly important day for divers. Why, I hear you ask? Because all around the world, divers and dive companies got involved with Project AWARE’s Dive For Earth Day: One of the scuba diving world’s most important days in the…

  • A Tale of Two Seas

    By Simply Diving Instructor Dan Nelmes What’s happening divers…? The first few months of 2010 proved to be a testing time for diving, due to some unnaturally very wet and stormy weather. But a continued break from the rain and wind has yielded some gorgeous dry and sunny days these past few weeks. So it…